Schedule an Appointment


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:  10AM - 6PM



Please complete the intake form prior to your appointment, so that your massage can begin on time. If there are any issues with filling out the form, you are more than welcome to arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill it out at the office. You will be charged for the full amount of your scheduled appointment, regardless of start on time.

If you are feeling sick, ranging from the sniffles to a fever, please reschedule your appointment. Receiving a massage when you are sick, not only will make you feel worse, but it'll unnecessarily put me at risk for infection and also, my clientele.

Discover Massage Therapy prefers cash/check payments but still accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express.

* Please note - If a massage therapy service is being paid for by a gift certificate and you are a "no call/no show", the gift certificate will be redeemed for the value of the missed scheduled service. *

Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy
​I understand that life happens, if you are running late, please don't hesitate to call or text to let me know. I'll do my best to give you your full appointment time but, please be aware that I will have scheduled appointments after you and may have to cut the appointment off at the scheduled time. You will be charged for the full scheduled appointment time. I kindly ask that you hold the same regard for your scheduled massage therapy appointment, as you do for your doctor or dentist appointments. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please be respectful of my time and others' that could have scheduled - please cancel your appointment no later than 1 day before your allotted time. If you are unable to keep this appointment - ask loved ones, friends, relatives, coworkers, etc to come in for you. I'm sure they will gladly take your spot! Please be aware that they will be responsible for payment of services.

To get the optimal results from your massage therapy sessions, it is important to keep up on a regular routine. To make massage therapy a habit. Please be aware, that due to the nature of the rebooking discount, you will forfeit this discount if you cancel any of your future appointments. I strongly urge you to simply reschedule the appointment.
Sickness Policy
If you are feeling under the weather, ranging from the sniffles to a full fever, please reschedule your appointment. Receiving a massage when you are not feeling well, will not only make you feel worse but it'll unnecessarily put me at risk for infection and also, my clientele. Please be aware that I do work with high risk populations, ranging from the elderly to infants and pregnant women. Thank you for your understanding.


Please take personal responsibility of your scheduled appointment times. Confirmation/reminder emails and texts are only a courtesy and shouldn't be relied upon, as technology does in fact, sometimes fail.  

Thank you for your understanding. It is much appreciated!
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